Easter Sunday

April 20

Sunrise Service
6am | Outdoor

Indoor Services
8am | 9:30am | 11:15am

easter services & times

Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! On Easter Sunday, we celebrate this Good News.
Outdoor Sunrise Service | April 20, 6am
Begin Easter morning outdoors at the stone cross for a special service including bagpipes, Easter hymns, and bell ringing. Coffee and a continental breakfast will be available after the service in the Gym from 7am-8am.
Indoor Services | April 20 | 8am | 9:30am | 11:15am
Celebrate Christ’s resurrection with a service featuring bagpipes, brass, organ, and choir at all our Easter morning times.

holy week

Celebrating the week leading up to the most significant events humanity would ever know - the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Palm Sunday

April 13, 8:45am | 10:30am
Today we commemorate Jesus' Triumphal Entry to Jerusalem by handing out palm branches, featuring dancers and intergenerational choir at both services.

Prayer Encounter

April 14-17 | M-W, 7:30am-7pm | Th, 7:30am-9:30pm | Main Building
Walk through the distinct I AM statements of Jesus found in John's Gospel. Contemplate who Jesus says he is as the Spirit breathes truth into your identity in Christ; who does Jesus say you are? Childcare Available

Maundy Thursday

April 17, 6-7:30pm | Community Center
Enjoy an Italian dinner and interactive service for the family as we remember Jesus' last supper with his disciples before his crucifixion.

Good Friday

April 18, 7pm | Sanctuary
Join us for a solemn service of deepening shadows as we remember the suffering, anguish, and love of Christ on the cross. While all ages are welcome, we will have childcare available in the Kids Wing.

worship with us online

We stream our services LIVE, so you can worship from anywhere!
Holy Week services available for livestream:
Good Friday | 7pm (stream goes LIVE at 6:50pm)
Easter Sunday | 8am | 9:30am | 11:15am
Happy Easter - He is Risen!