We love music and worship. There are lots of ways to get involved whether you are musically inclined, artistically abled, or looking for a supporting role. Sing in the adult choir, help lead kids choir, play the hand bells or another instrument, be a part of the worship band, create art for around the church, run the slides or sound booth operations, or help prepare the sanctuary for weekend worship. We'd love to hear how you'd like to be involved
Our middle and high school ministries have relational small group roles as well as supporting roles. Maybe you'd like to help with pancake breakfast or have experience working a coffee bar. Maybe you'd like to serve occasionally, helping us prepare for retreats or special events. Let's talk about how to plug you in!
We have lots of caring needs in this family. Our deacons serve three years to help lead many of our caring needs. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a deacon or helping out on our funeral committee, meal team, or as a carpenter volunteer let us know. We also have occasional trainings for those wanting to become a Stephen's Minister - a one-on-one lay counselor - to help people in our congregation who have a need of companionship and spiritual direction.